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Chris Brooks Equippers

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Heaven Rules!

Thanks to your support, Equipped continues to make a difference in people’s lives. A few weeks ago, I interviewed Elyse Fitzpatrick about her book, Jesus and Gender. Through that program, this listener discovered just how valued she is!

I am specifically giving this donation to Chris Brooks for the broadcast “Men and Women in Christ.” Even though I was raised in the church, my dad believed that the Bible says I am a second-rate human being and inferior to him simply because I was born a woman. It's only now that I am fifty years old that I have fully realized my value. After all, God did not silence the women at the tomb who were the first to testify about Jesus’ resurrection. I appreciate that Chris Brooks broached the subject about the value of women to God. Here in the last days, I believe that the church needs to empower women more than ever because the harvest is great but the workers are few.

By the way, I will be speaking at the True Woman ’22 event in September. Click on the link for more information. I would love to meet you there!

When you sit alone in the quiet, where do your thoughts go? Do you think about your problems? Maybe, like Isaiah, something tragic has happened and you are uncertain about the future. Our God sees you, knows you, and loves you. Let’s talk about the things that make us feel small and worried—and seek the One who can handle it all!

This month’s Impact Gift is The Death of Porn by Ray Ortlund. Call (888) 644-4144 for your copy!


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Equippers, please give us your feedback! We’d love to know what content you’d like to hear more of, and what you’re enjoying from these frequent emails. You can email us your feedback at

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Chris Brooks

Chris Brooks is the senior pastor of Evangel Ministries, a thriving 1600-member church in the heart of Detroit. He also serves as campus dean of Moody Theological Seminary in Plymouth, Michigan. A popular Detroit radio host since 2005, Chris is author of Kingdom Dreaming and Urban Apologetics. He graduated from Michigan State University with a BA in Finance, completed his MA in Christian Apologetics at Biola University, and graduated from the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics at Oxford University. He and his wife, Yodit, are the proud parents of Christopher, Zewditu, Cameron, and Judah.

Chris Brooks Equippers

Chris Brooks Equippers

As an Equipper, you help Chris encourage others to grow spiritually, think critically, and live compassionately. Together you’re equipping men and women to live out the gospel in a radically changing culture. Equippers will benefit from this exclusive resource: a biweekly audio briefing by Chris sent to your email address.